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  • nicholaswaltz


Last piece of work for the week! Know that I've started putting in grades that take the work you've done each week as a cumulative grade. I did want to clarify since I've gotten this question a few times, it is possible for your individual assignments to have a lower grade, however your FINAL grade for 4th quarter wont be lower than your 3rd quarter grade. As always call during office hours or email me anytime if you have any questions you want to clarify!

Learning Target: 7RL1: I can cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text by completing questions on Chapter 10.

Work Session: Answer the following chapter 10 questions on Edmodo:

1) Dally runs out “like the devil was after him” when he finds out Johnny is dead. According to Pony, why is Dally having so much trouble handling Johnny‘s death?

2) When Dally phones, what is his message?

3) According to Ponyboy, Johnny died gallant. What does he mean? What is different about the death of Dally?

4) Why do you think Ponyboy becomes so sick? What are his symptoms?

5) The narrator writes, “And the ground rushed up to meet me very suddenly.” What really happened?

6) Why is Ponyboy worried about whether or not he asked for Darry while he was in the hospital?

Lastly please fill out this quick survey! Thanks!

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