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  • nicholaswaltz


Good morning my wonderful students! Thank you all for doing a great job, challenging yourselves and being flexible! I've been impressed by all of you and your ability to adjust as needed! In addition I've loved your work so far! Thank you for taking all this as seriously as you take your work when we are together! Believe me when I say I miss all of you guys and hope we can meet in person sooner rather than later! I want to challenge you with one thing today, how can you be kind to someone around you today? I mean a specific way. In times like these kindness and caring for one another is how we all get through! My family has enjoyed going on walks and meeting and talking with more of our neighbors, so look for ways you can do something similar today! (Especially with your families, being cooped up can be hard!) Below is today's work. Keep being excellent and I hope to have a new video up either tonight or tomorrow morning

Learning Target: I can explain the function of clauses and phrases in general and their function in specific sentences through adding clauses to a phrase I create.

When you finish, on Word write one Independent Clause, one Dependent Clause and then add a phrase to the independent clause and then add a phrase to your dependent clause. When you finish answer the following questions (you can copy and paste it to your word document) If you still have time after all this, finish your USATestPrep from yesterday!

Clauses and Sentence Structures


Directions: Read the questions on the left. Write your answers to the questions on the right.



1. What is a phrase?

2. What is a clause?

3. What is a prepositional phrase?

4. What’s the difference between an independent clause and a subordinate clause?

5. What’s another name for a subordinate clause?

6. What is a simple sentence?

7. What is a compound sentence?

8. What is a complex sentence?

9. What is a compound-complex sentence?

10. How many clauses are in a simple sentence? What type of clause is needed to make a simple sentence?

11. How many clauses are in a compound sentence? What type of clause is needed to make a compound sentence?

12. What are two mays to form a compound sentence?

13. How many clauses are needed to make a complex sentence? What type of clause(s) are needed to make a complex sentence?

14. What are two ways to form a complex sentence?

15. How many clauses are needed to make a compound-complex sentence? What type of clause(s) are needed to make a compound-complex sentence?

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LAST DAY FOR NEW CONTENT!!!! I'm so proud of you all and how you have persevered through this weird and new way to learn! Just a reminder that after today no NEW assignments will be posted, but you ha


Second last day for new work! Just a reminder that you have until the 20th to finish any assignments or catch up on any work, but after tomorrow there wont be any new assignments posted! Learning Targ

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